Your baby's first tooth is about to erupt. If this is your first baby, you might not know how to keep your baby's teeth healthy. Don't worry. With a little bit of knowledge, you'll be ready to take care of those tiny teeth. Here are a few tips that will help you tend to your baby's dental needs.

See the Dentist Early

It's important that you schedule a dental appointment for your little one as soon as that first tooth erupts. Early dental visits will help the dentist diagnose potential dental problems.

Statistics show that roughly 19% of all children suffer from dental anxiety. This anxiety can make it difficult for children to receive the dental care they need. Early dental visits will help your child develop a positive relationship with the dentist, which can alleviate dental anxiety. This will be beneficial should your child ever require painful dental work.

Clean Teeth Daily

Bacteria can build up in your baby's mouth even before the first tooth erupts. To help keep your baby's mouth healthy, and to prepare them for their first toothbrush, you should wipe their mouth out with a clean, soft cloth at least twice a day.

Once the first tooth erupts, you can start using a soft pediatric toothbrush to clean their mouth. It's also important that you floss your baby's teeth each day. This will prevent plaque from developing on your baby's teeth.

Protect Against Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

Sugary liquids can pose a serious threat to your little one's teeth. Those liquids include milk, juice, and even breast milk, especially if they're allowed to pool around your baby's teeth while they sleep. The longer sugary liquids are allowed to remain in your baby's mouth, the more damage is done to the soft enamel.

To avoid baby bottle tooth decay, you should never send your baby to bed with bottles filled with milk or juice. If they need a bottle to fall asleep with, be sure it's filled with clear water. If you breast feed your baby, avoid letting them nurse while they're asleep.

Don't Forget the Fluoride

Fluoride is essential to healthy teeth. Be sure that the water your baby is drinking contains fluoride. If your municipal water supply is not fluoridated, you might want to consider supplementing with bottled water. You should also talk to your pediatric dentist about possible fluoride supplements to protect your baby's teeth.

Your baby is going to depend on you for their dental care. This guide will help you care for their first tooth and beyond. For more information, contact a company like A Wild Smile.

