If you've been told that you need to undergo a root canal, you want to do everything you can to avoid a repeat later on down the road. Root canals are no laughing matter. In fact, they can be downright painful. Not only that but once you have a root canal performed, your tooth is susceptible to further damage, especially if you don't take appropriate measures to protect your teeth. Now that you're scheduled for a root canal, here are three steps you should take to help you avoid the need for others.

Be Diligent About Your Dental Care

When you're trying to reduce your need for additional root canals, the most important thing you can do is be diligent about your dental care. Those semi-annual dental exams become all the more important once you've had to undergo a root canal. The dental cleanings help rid your mouth of harmful bacteria that can lead to the destruction of your enamel. Not to mention the fact that those semi-annual exams allow your dentist to find problems while they're still minor enough to be repaired without the use of a root canal. Protect your teeth and prevent root canals by ensuring you see the dentist twice a year from now on.

Protect Your Teeth from Nighttime Damage

If you're in the habit of grinding your teeth at night, you need to protect them from nighttime damage. You might not realize this but grinding your teeth while you're at sleep can cause significant damage. Not only does grinding remove essential enamel from your teeth, which can lead to nerve pain, it also can cause tiny cracks to develop on your teeth. Unfortunately, those tiny cracks can develop tooth decay, which can increase the need for root canals. If you grind your teeth at night, talk to your dentist about a nighttime mouth guard.

Eliminate Soda and Acidic Beverages

If you drink more than one cup of soda or acidic juices, such as grapefruit juice, per day, you're at risk for tooth damage. These types of beverages increase your chances of developing cavities. However, they also destroy your enamel, which can lead to other serious dental problems. To protect your teeth, it's best to avoid these beverages altogether. However, if you do continue to drink them, be sure to reduce your intake to no more than one cup a day, and be sure to rinse your mouth with water when you're done.

For more information about your root canal procedure, contact your local dentist. 
