When choosing a tooth replacement, there are plenty of factors to consider. Among them might be whether or not your new tooth or teeth replacement will wiggle or move around. If you're looking for the sturdiest tooth replacement that won't budge, then take a look at the three most common forms of tooth replacements and their tendency to move around or not.

The Trouble With Dentures

Dentures are one of the most iconic and classic forms of tooth replacements, but they're also capable of moving around quite a bit. While this can be amended with a good-quality adhesive, dentures can still end up moving around or coming out when you bite into hard or chewy foods. For this reason, most dentists recommend that you avoid certain kinds of food in order to help prevent this from happening. However, if you're looking for a replacement that moves as little as possible, dentures probably aren't it.

The Problem With Bridges

Dental bridges are another common solution for missing teeth. Unlike dentures, bridges are designed to be permanently affixed to two of your remaining teeth. This helps to keep them in place.

Bridges do a better job of staying in one place and shouldn't come out. However, as time passes, the strain on the bridge can eventually cause it to become loose or wiggle around. This process can take years to happen, but if you want a solution that will be permanently solid, a bridge might not be the right choice either.

The Number One Pick

The longest-lasting and most sturdy of the tooth replacements is dental implants. Implants are self-sufficient and support themselves on their own implant, which is kept in place by your gums and bones. Dental implants aren't designed to come out and are essentially permanent.

The main reason why dental implants have an advantage over the others is that pressure doesn't wear down or force the implants out of place. Pressure actually helps to support them. The action of pressure stimulates the bone, which is supporting a dental implant, to grow new, healthy bone cells. This continues to encapsulate the dental implant, ensuring that it's not going anywhere. So in essence, the more you chew, the sturdier that implant will be.

If you want a tooth replacement that won't move around and won't wear down over time, dental implants are where it's at. Talk to a dentist and get the ball rolling to get your new dental implant
