Invisalign has so many great qualities as an orthodontic option. The aligners are nearly invisible on your teeth, you can remove them to eat, and they won't rub on and irritate your tongue like traditional braces sometimes do. However, there is still a bit of a transition period when patients first get Invisalign. The following tips can help make that transition period easier for you.

Take ibuprofen

Although Invisalign doesn't cause abrasions and rubs like traditional braces sometimes do, the aligners can cause some jaw pain when you first start wearing them. This is normal. The pain occurs because the aligners are moving your teeth in your jaw, putting pressure on your jaw bone. Taking a dose of ibuprofen can help ease the pain. It's best to take your first dose as soon as you pop the aligners in so you can cut the pain off before it gets too serious.

Set alarms in your phone after meals

Often, new Invisalign users will forget to put their aligners back in after eating. It is important that, in the long term, this becomes a habit — because you will need to wear the aligners for at least 20–22 hours a day for maximum effect. To get you into the habit of popping your aligners in after eating, set a reminder in your phone a few minutes after each meal. Before long, you'll start reaching for the aligners after you've swallowed your last bite and shutting that alarm off preemptively.

Practice talking to yourself in the mirror

When you first start wearing your aligners, you may have trouble making certain sounds, namely those that involve pressing your tongue against your teeth. Thankfully, this difficulty passes within a few days for most patients. If you spend a little time practicing talking to yourself, especially in a mirror, you will be speaking more confidently and clearly in no time.

Keep your tongue away from the aligners

It can be tempting to keep running your tongue over the aligners again and again. But in doing so, patients often find that their tongue becomes sore. This can also dislodge the aligners. Whenever you feel yourself starting to rub your tongue over the aligners, stop. It's easier to prevent this habit from forming than to fix it once you've developed it.

If you follow the tips above, your transition into wearing Invisalign will be a lot easier. Talk to your dentist if you have any questions or concerns during the transition period.

For more information about Invisalign, reach out to a local dentist.
