Dental veneers are micro-thin tooth-shaped shells that are applied to the front surfaces of teeth. They are known for their ability to conceal numerous dental blemishes to make the teeth look almost perfect. Here is a bit of information about veneers to help you understand them and how they can help improve the look of your teeth.

How Are Dental Veneers Attached to the Teeth?

Dentists use adhesive to apply a dental veneer to the front of a tooth. A bit of material is removed from the designated tooth in preparation for the veneer application. Once the veneer has been applied, the application is considered permanent. If a veneer becomes damaged, it must be replaced since the natural structure of the underlying tooth has been altered.

Are There Different Types of Veneers?

Veneers can be made of porcelain or composite.

A porcelain veneer lasts longer than its composite counterpart. Additionally, it tends to be more expensive. Nevertheless, porcelain veneers are very difficult to discern from natural tooth material. The translucence and coloring of the porcelain make it almost identical to natural tooth enamel.

Although composite veneers are less expensive, they're not quite as long-lasting as porcelain. Thus, if you do have to replace a composite veneer, the cost may be more affordable. The material looks similar to the tooth enamel, however, it does not offer the same translucency porcelain does.

Are You a Good Candidate for Veneers?

Because veneers are used to cover dental blemishes, the application is suitable for people with the following cosmetic dental issues:

  • Differently sized teeth. Sometimes, the teeth may look mismatched due to variations in their shapes and sizes. Veneers can be fabricated in uniform sizes and shapes that match the contours of the patient's mouth and the dimensions of their facial structure.
  • Minor dental misalignments. Some people have teeth that are slightly crooked. Although dental veneers do not actually correct alignment and bite problems, they can help the teeth appear straighter and appear to be in a uniform configuration.
  • Small chips. If your tooth has been chipped, a veneer can cover the irregularity, making it appear undamaged.
  • Permanent staining. Permanent dental staining does not respond to chemical bleaching. However, dental veneers can be used to cover the discoloration. Permanent discoloration may be due to a variety of factors, such as congenital defects and side effects from prescription medications.

If you are interested in learning more about dental veneers, schedule a consultation with a dentist in your local area.
