If you were diagnosed with temporomandibular muscle and joint disorder (better known as TMJ), you most likely suffer from pain in your jaw area. You may also experience times when your jaw becomes locked, making your mouth remain in an open position. When you need to go to a dental clinic like Premier Dental Group, you may want to take some precautionary steps to help relieve the area from excessive pain or potential lock-ups. Here are some tips you can use to make your visit to a dentist go by with less chance of an incident as a result of this condition.
Inform Dental Employees Of The Problem Beforehand
It is best to let the people who will be working on your mouth at a dentist's office know about your condition before they start any type of procedure. Let them know you will require frequent breaks to rest your jaw when you are in the office. Their awareness of the condition will also have them on the look out for any grimacing or tension you display during the procedure. Inform them you will not be able to open your mouth widely so they can place mirrors appropriately to see the teeth they need to do work on.
Be Prepared For An Analysis Of Teeth Due To The Condition
If you had not had X-rays done recently, your dentist may recommend you have them done during your appointment. This will allow them to do an evaluation of your mouth's structure in determining if your teeth were affected by the condition in any way. They will then use this information to handle any dental problems appropriately.
Use Medication To Reduce Anxiety And Pain During The Procedure
Before you go to your dentist's appointment, ask your family physician if they can prescribe you medication to relieve anxiety if you are fearful about the procedures you need to have done. This will put you into a more relaxed state, making your jaw less likely to lock during your appointment. A mild pain reliever can be taken as well. Make sure the medications do not have adverse interaction properties beforehand. Alert your dentist before your procedure if you take this medication.
Construct Signals And Request Multiple Sessions To Alleviate Pain
Tell those at the dental facility you would like to do your repair work or cleaning in a few sessions rather than have it done all during one sitting. This will reduce the amount of time your mouth remains open, helping to minimize symptoms of the condition. Before you start the procedure, tell your dentist if you raise your hand or make a sound, you would like them to cease their work. Your dentist will then be able to work with you in getting work done without having you suffer in the process.