Bruxism is the technical term for teeth grinding, and this habit is one that can be hard to stop, primarily because the grinding happens while you sleep. If you grind your teeth, it's important to realize the effects this can have on your mouth. Once you understand these effects, you might realize how important it is to seek treatment for this problem. Here are the main effects of bruxism.
Worn-Down Teeth
The main effect grinding can have on your teeth is actually the teeth wearing down. When you grind your teeth while you sleep, the repetitive movement of rubbing your teeth together will cause your teeth to wear away. If this continues, your teeth will start shrinking, and eventually you may end up needing to replace all the teeth in your mouth. This will not happen overnight, but it can happen over time if you continue to grind your teeth every night.
Jaw Problems
The second issue you may develop is problems with your jaw. When you grind your teeth, you are also clenching your jaw. This means that you are placing a lot of pressure on the joints in your jaw each night, and eventually this pressure can lead to jaw problems. The most common jaw problem people develop from grinding is temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ). This condition is very painful and can prevent you from opening and closing your mouth all the way.
The third issue grinding can lead to is headaches. This too results from the constant pressure placed on the joints in your face and neck. If you are currently struggling with a lot of headaches and do not know why, the issue could very well be due to the grinding you are doing while you sleep.
One of the best ways to stop the negative effects of teeth grinding is by wearing a mouthguard while you sleep. A mouthguard can be custom made by a dentist to fit exactly right in your mouth. The mouthguard will not stop you from clenching your jaw at night, but it will protect your teeth and jaw from the effects grinding can have on them.
If you want to prevent the problems listed here and have less pain in your face, jaw, and neck, you should seek advice from a dentist. The dentist can help you get the mouthguard you need, and this will make a big difference with your mouth. Find a dentist near you by visiting sites such as